


southerlies 基本解释
向南;南的( southerly的名词复数 );从南面来的;
southerlies 网络解释


1. 南风:southeasterlies 东南风 | southerlies 南风 | southern 南部

southerlies 双语例句

1. Those anomalous atmospheric circulations stimulated the strong anomalous southerlies along the east coastal regions of China, which persistently transferred the warm and wet air to the northeastern areas of China, thus raising the moisture content and air temperature there and providing proper warm and wet conditions for the occurrence of the extreme snowstorm event.

2. The convergence between anomalous northerlies from the central northern Pacific and anomalous southerlies from northerneast Australian can trigger strong westerly anomalies over the central and eastern tropical Pacific and then cause El 〓 event.
    EL 〓的爆发和维持需要中太平洋地区的来自南北半球的经向风辐合所引起赤道中东太平洋的异常西风,其中来自澳大利亚东北部的异常南风的作用更为显著。

3. The southerlies prevailed in the prefrontal areas of warm-type anafronts during the period of dominance of the subtropical ridge.


4. Significant precipitation occurred over northern and northeastern Taiwan during the passage of both types of anafronts, whereas it was larger in the cold-type than that in the warm-type. For the warm-type, significant rainfall also occurred over southeastern Taiwan because the orographic lifting of the warmer and moist southerlies.

5. Anomalous anticyclone at the upper level is form in response to the enhanced convective heating off the equator, resulting in increased geopotential height and temperature over the Tibetan Plateau and in favor of the early BOB seasonal transition. Another effect of Positive SST anomalies over the Warm Pool is to induce anomalously strong zonal monsoon circulation. The anomalous zonal monsoon circulation strengths the southerlies in upper levels due to Coriolis force. Thus the enhanced warm meridional advection in connection with the warming over the Tibetan Plateau lead to early seasonal transition over the BOB region.

6. Following the above conditions, anomalous southerlies transport water vapor to the north and cause moreprecipitation over there. The key condition for the above-normal production year is that SST anomalies over the northwesternportion are warmer than that over the southeastern portion during the winter season.

7. The subtropical monsoonal circulation is associated with the Southerlies from the subtropical South Asia and the northern upper Easterlies; But Tianlongshan body is obviously northward drift.

8. However, in the winter during the mature phase of an El Nino event, there are anomalous southerlies over the East Asian region.

9. The southerlies cloud cluster has wet source supple-ment which colnes from ITCZ and cloud band located in southwest;
