
southeastwardly [saʊ'θi:stwədlɪ]  [saʊ'θi:stwədlɪ] 

southeastwardly 基本解释


southeastwardly 双语例句


1. Our work shows that, because of the large-scale dextral slip along the Red River fault zone, the northwest Yunnan rift-basin region, the extensive tectonics, are formed on the end since Miocene. The extensive basins have spread southeastwardly from the Miocene to the Quaternary. Typical strike-slip deformation appears at the center segment of fault zone. The granitic body in the late-Yanshan period, the coal-basins and the drainage of Lishe River are dextrally offset in-phase. The dextral displacement since the Pliocene can be 30~32km.


2. Results indicated that two paths of water vapor transport existed in the case; one is southwestwardly path in the synoptic-scale, the other is southeastwardly path in the meso-scale.

3. And she drove a great railway across Siberia until she entangled herself in a conflict with Japan, and pushed southeastwardly towards the borders of Persia and India to the annoyance of Britain.


4. Highelevation and lowreliefsurface, which is preserved between large rivers in SE plateau, is generically linked to the lowrelief surface in plateau interior and shows a gradual transition to less preservation because of southeastwardly increased river incision.
    虽然随着河流下切深度往南逐渐增加,残留面虽越来越少,但仍然可以识别,最终终止在雅砻江逆冲断裂带附近,该断裂带以南地区没有明显负地形特征。北东向展布的雅砻江逆冲断裂带对应着50~200 km宽的地形相对陡变带。

southeastwardly 英英释义


1. southeastwardly的反义词

1. in a southeastward direction

    e.g. the river flows southeastward to the gulf

    Synonym: southeastward
