1. 蘇沙號:中音乐器:法国号(Horn)、柔音号(Flugelhorn)、行进圆号(Mellophone)次中音乐器:上低音号(Euphonium)、下中音号(Baritone Horn)低音乐器:低音号(tuba)、苏沙号(Sousaphone).自然铜管乐器,只能够演奏出自然泛音,例如号角(Bugle).
2. 大号:小号 trumpet | 大号 sousaphone | 号角 bugle
3. 苏萨风:soured milk 酸奶 | sousaphone 苏萨风 | Sousee 苏西绸
1. A sousaphone player and his bandmates add a folksy note to a wedding celebration in Putna, Romania.
2. On the international valve exposition that kicked off yesterday nevertheless, exhibited a butterfly form valve that exceeds a sousaphone, we go seeing it after all have how old.
3. January 13, 2008 Brass Band, Romania, 1983 Photograph by James Stanfield A sousaphone player and his bandmates add a folksy note to a wedding celebration in Putna, Romania.