
soupy [ˈsu:pi]  [ˈsupi] 

soupy 基本解释



soupy 网络解释

1. 糊状的:soupcon 少许 | soupy 糊状的 | sour grapes 酸葡萄

2. 阴雨的:11. splintered 碎片的 | 12. soupy 阴雨的 | 1. acid 酸的

3. 雾浓的:雾浓mistiness | 雾浓的soupy | 雾浓地mistily

4. 汤汁一样的:soupskilly 羹汤 | soupy 汤汁一样的 | soupy 雾浓的

soupy 词典解释

1. 汤似的;羹一般浓稠的
    Soupy things are like soup or look like soup.

    e.g. ...swirling soupy water...
    e.g. The rice is accompanied by a soup or a soupy stew.

soupy 单语例句

1. The soupy filling for the dumplings is made by adding a gelling agent to the broth.

2. soupy的反义词

2. The rice should be soupy and a bit cheesy, a simple meal for those slow days.

soupy 英英释义



1. effusively or insincerely emotional

    e.g. a bathetic novel
           maudlin expressions of sympathy
           mushy effusiveness
           a schmaltzy song
           sentimental soap operas
           slushy poetry

    Synonym: bathetic drippy hokey maudlin mawkish kitschy mushy schmaltzy schmalzy sentimental soppy slushy

2. having the consistency and appearance of soup

    e.g. a soupy fog
