1. 音箱:[ 音箱(SoundBox)频讲尾页 ][ 评论 ][ 挨印 ][ 字体:小外大]音箱(SoundBox)导航: 音箱报价 | 音箱小齐 | 音箱排止榜 | 产品小齐 | 参质 | 定阅
2. 吸声箱:soundbow 声唇 | soundbox 吸声箱 | soundbranchamplifier 声分路放大器
1. The chelys-lyra had the same kollopes and plektron as the kithara, but the plektron cord was attached to the base of the outer arms more often than to the base of the soundbox.
以下内容引用自Diane Touliatos-Miliotis的文献:Chelys-lyre的其他部件包括:一个donax,这可能是安置在两角之间为之起桥梁和支架作用的芦苇杆;pecheis,里拉琴从外部置入共鸣箱的部分;zugon或者crossbar,被刻上刻痕并架在两角上部的末端,里拉琴像萨基拉琴一样也有kollopes和琴拨,但固定琴拨的绳索常常栓在角外侧的底部而不是共鸣箱的底部。
2. The " soundbox " of the harmonica is the person playing it-their hands, mouth and upper respiratory system.
3. Today, it is an uncommon time for my lovely soundbox to relax completely.
4. My soundbox is singing chilled out, even i could feel its happiness.
5. Changing the material from which the soundbox is constructed has a noticeable impact on the volume and tone of the sound.
6. In the case of the guitar, the sound we hear is that caused by the vibration of the strings, which is in turn amplified by the soundbox of the guitar.
7. The comb of the harmonica does not act like the soundbox of the guitar, but is merely a support for the reedplates.
8. The plucked-string section of Chinese orchestra mainly consisted of wooden board and leather soundbox systems.
9. A stringed musical instrument that has a triangular frame consisting of a sounding board and a pillar and a curved neck; the strings stretched between the neck and the soundbox are plucked with the fingers.
10. My soundbox is singing chilled out, even I could feel its happiness.
11. The " soundbox " of the harmonica is the person playing it-their hands, mouth and upper respiratory system.
12. In the wooden boarded system can be divided into spoon-shaped soundbox with liuqin and pipa. Round-shaped soundbox with zhongruan and daruan.
1. a resonating chamber in a musical instrument (as the body of a violin)
Synonym: body