sought after

sought after

sought after 单语例句

1. sought after在线翻译

1. After Howard sought his permission to take his pictures, the man took Howard by surprise.

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2. Pacino's casting in the free summer staging of the play turned Merchant of Venice into one of the most sought after tickets in town.

3. That's why Ru porcelains are those most sought after by ceramics collectors and fetch high prices at auctions.

4. Obama ordered the prison's closure and emphatically stated " we don't torture " just days after taking office as he sought to improve a sullied world image.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. He sought medical advice after experiencing discomfort in the days that followed.

6. Her death was discovered after her father sought a death certificate from another doctor.

7. sought after是什么意思

7. Zijin Mining Group Co rose after gold futures climbed to a record as investors sought a haven from a possible US debt default.

8. Inclusion is so sought after by the affluent and socially ambitious that the notices are referred to as the Sunday sports section for women.

9. He's family members then sought compensation after the tragedy when it was revealed that department store workers didn't install the heater properly.

10. The assemblies of all states except for Sarawak were also dissolved Wednesday after the chief ministers sought consent from their respective rulers.
