
sorts ['sɔ:ts]  ['sɔ:ts]





sorts 基本解释
分类( sort的名词复数 );品质;品级;群;分类,整理( sort的第三人称单数 );挑选;把…分类;把…归类(常与with, together连用);
sorts 网络解释

1. 各种各样:trademarks标志 | sorts各种各样 | self-similarity自相似性

2. 程度;种类;品质:songwriters歌曲作家 | sorts程度;种类;品质 | steel钢铁

3. 不成套的铅字:sortprogrammodule 分类程序模块 | sorts 不成套的铅字 | sortselection 分类选择

4. 排序的数量:Hard parses: 硬分析的数量 | Sorts: 排序的数量 | Logons: 登陆的数量

sorts 单语例句

1. sorts在线翻译

1. Westerners interested primarily in acting work face all sorts of special challenges, not least of which is the expectation of fluent Mandarin.

2. I heard some people calling me Cinderella, all sorts of stuff.

3. Chinese martial arts of all sorts have a long history and a great diversity of methods and styles.

4. Electric toothbrushes come in two sorts, both of which tend to cost about the same.

5. There are all sorts of scenarios you can think of where the banks come through OK.

6. sorts什么意思

6. This new form of silent communication has come to dominate the life of all sorts of people.

7. sorts的反义词

7. With potential homebuyers fearing prices might soar to greater heights in the months to come, purchasing an apartment has become a craze of sorts.

8. He's cultured and talented and they talk and laugh about all sorts.

9. But we have to admit the limitation of the TMC that it is not good at curing some sorts of diseases.

10. He is holding that request in his desk drawer while Obama sorts through competing recommendations and theories from some of his most trusted advisers.
