1. 索娜塔:北京现代的第一个孩子--索娜塔(Sonata)将于11月18日正式下线. 若是真能如此,北京现代将成为国内合资汽车企业中为数不多的签约当年就推出新车的公司. 北京现代的快速建设令素以工作勤奋著称的韩国人也赞叹不已,
1. 奏鸣曲
A sonata is a piece of classical music written either for a single instrument, or for one instrument and a piano.
1. sonata的翻译
1. Besides a longer lifecycle, one of the Sonata's main selling points is safety.
2. Hyundai runs a joint venture with Beijing Automotive Industry Holdings Corp producing Sonata and Elantra sedans.
3. sonata的翻译
3. Another modified model Sonata Yuxiang will be produced in the second half of this year.
4. One of Tian's all time favorites is Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.