
sombre ['sɒmbə(r)]  [ˈsɑmbɚ] 

sombre 基本解释

形容词忧郁的; 昏暗的,阴沉的; 暗淡的,不鲜艳的(颜色等)

sombre 网络解释

1. 昏暗的:somberly 昏暗地 | sombre 昏暗的 | sombrero 宽边帽

2. 黯然、忧郁:驱鬼expel the evil spirit | 魔术棒magic wand | 黯然、忧郁sombre

3. 深色的:sombre 深色的 | vive,vif 鲜艳的 | couleur chaude 暖色

4. 昏暗的, 阴沉的:38. take the cool out of me能让我这么没有型呢? | 39. sombre昏暗的, 阴沉的 | 40. And nobody's gonna buy me as a nerd. 我穿成这个傻样不会有人理我buy 口语,相信接受

sombre 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 somber

1. (人)忧郁的,严肃的
    If someone is sombre, they are serious or sad.

    e.g. The pair were in sombre mood...
    e.g. His expression became increasingly sombre...

'All the same, I wish he'd come back,' Martha said sombrely...
She felt more sympathy for Neil's sombrely stolid manner than she ever had before.

2. (颜色)暗淡的;(地方)灰暗的
    Sombre colours and places are dark and dull.

    e.g. ...a worried official in sombre black...
    e.g. It was a beautiful house, but it was dark and sombre and dead.

sombre 单语例句

1. It is time to consider the sombre fact that China's overall technological strength and competitiveness still lag far behind developed countries.

2. sombre在线翻译

2. Another sombre fact is that China is quickly becoming an ageing society.

3. Beside the car reads the sombre reminder that one in five of the world's road deaths happens in China.

sombre 英英释义


1. grave or even gloomy in character

    e.g. solemn and mournful music
           a suit of somber black
           a somber mood

    Synonym: somber melancholy

2. lacking brightness or color

    e.g. drab faded curtains
           sober Puritan grey
           children in somber brown clothes

    Synonym: drab sober somber
