
solvent [ˈsɒlvənt]  [ˈsɑ:lvənt] 



solvent 基本解释


名词[化]溶剂,溶媒; 解释,说明; 解决方法; 使瓦解的东西

形容词有溶解能力的,可溶解的; 有清还债务能力的; 起瓦解作用的

solvent 反义词



solvent 相关例句


1. A bankrupt company is not solvent.

2. Gasoline is a solvent liquid which removes grease spots .

3. They need the money to stay solvent.

4. Laughter has the solvent power.

solvent 网络解释

1. 溶剂:因特殊情况或影响到后工序停拉等问题,经后工序生产部主管与QC部主管级以上在报告签名拣用,QC可在货品存货单右上角贴上黄色菲纸(REWORK)并注明日期,QC姓名,车间代号,原因.由树脂(RESIN),颜料(PIGMENT),溶剂(SOLVENT)三种成份组成.

2. (溶解):Sensitive(敏感性皮肤) | Solvent(溶解) | Sun block(防曬用)

solvent 词典解释

1. 有清偿能力的
    If a person or a company is solvent, they have enough money to pay all their debts.

    e.g. They're going to have to show that the company is now solvent.

2. solvent

2. 溶剂
    A solvent is a liquid that can dissolve other substances.

    e.g. ...a small amount of cleaning solvent.
    e.g. ...industrial solvents.

solvent 单语例句

1. That left many with too little capital to meet regulatory requirements, forcing the government to inject more money to keep them solvent.

2. The central government is arguably solvent, but a significant chunk of municipal and provincial bank debt seems underwater.

3. Preliminary results indicate the substance was a nontoxic commercial solvent, police spokesman Paul Browne said.

4. solvent的解释

4. The company director Stephen Yip told China Daily that he is upbeat that the purchase could substantially raise the overall solvent output.

5. Drug taking, solvent abuse and child prostitution is common among the street kids.

6. " Sometimes you might have a cleaning solvent which may set off a false alarm, " she said.

7. solvent的反义词

7. Toluene is a solvent and is also widely used as an industrial feedstock.

8. The politicians in the fiscally solvent countries are under electoral pressure, said Zhang.

9. solvent的翻译

9. The Treasury may purchase up to $ 200 billion of stock in the firms to keep them solvent.

10. solvent的意思

10. And long as the banks need capital to remain solvent, the Fed will continue to create dollars.

solvent 英英释义


1. a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem

    e.g. they were trying to find a peaceful solution
           the answers were in the back of the book
           he computed the result to four decimal places

    Synonym: solution answer result resolution

2. solvent

2. a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances

    e.g. the solvent does not change its state in forming a solution

    Synonym: dissolvent dissolver dissolving agent resolvent


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. capable of meeting financial obligations
