
soldiering [ˈsəʊldʒərɪŋ]  [ˈsoʊldʒərɪŋ] 







soldiering 基本解释
soldiering 双语例句

1. The same skills can be passed on to new recruits as they learn the trade of soldiering. A Drill Square is the minimum requirement for the military education

2. For about 450 years Switzerland`s best-known exported skill was soldiering.

3. There was Jabez Fitch, for example, a Connecticut farmer with eight children, who liked soldiering and kept a diary describing the war as he saw it day by day.
    比如 Jabez Fitch ,一个康涅狄格的农民,八个孩子的父亲。他喜欢兵旅生涯,每天把战争见闻记在日记中。

4. He watched the Salvation Army attempt to feed the poor. The relief workers kept soldiering on.

5. Thank you so much for soldiering on!

6. His regular engagement ends soon, but he's thinking of soldiering on.

7. You can't take her soldiering.


8. I've been soldiering for more years than you've been alive, girl!

9. He hopes to go soldiering after his college graduation.


10. He is taken to task for soldiering on the job.

11. Not very strong, that hope, if you went soldiering!

12. Soldiering on essentially mechanically unchanged until last year, the Focus finally received some chassis enhancements, a few extra ponies for its 2.0-liter motor (historians will recall a 170-horse SVT version once existed) and, of course, a new look inside and out.

13. Would all this be better than soldiering on?


14. Faced with the dilemma, he opted for soldiering on.

15. You think soldiering anybody s job?

16. The relief workers kept soldiering on.


17. This feat Joan, with no knowledge of soldiering at all, achieved in 9 days, where experienced soldiers had failed.


18. Army green, Stanton felt, complemented the U. S. desire to project the most professional soldiering image toward its Cold War adversaries.

19. Soldiering, soldiership goldbricking, goofing off, shirking, slacking, soldiering

20. It was one of those things that gave you a false feeling of soldiering.

soldiering 单语例句

1. The military has contracted out some chores to save troops for soldiering duties.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Japanese pop sensation Pizzicato Five disbanded a couple of years ago, but individual members are still soldiering on.

soldiering 英英释义


1. the evasion of work or duty

    Synonym: shirking slacking goofing off goldbricking

2. soldiering

2. skills that are required for the life of soldier

    Synonym: soldiership
