sold out

sold out [səʊld aut]  [sold aʊt] 

sold out的意思


第三人称单数:sells out

sold out在线翻译


现在分词:selling out

sold out 基本解释
sold out 网络解释


1. 售完:超厚实的帆布材质以及编织的麻绳提把,环保的设计理念与超低价的名牌包款,难怪3月20号正式上市的当天,伦敦的所有包款就被抢购一空,大大的售完 (Sold Out) 贴在店门前,让人不禁怀疑安雅.亨德玛希限量环保包是真的环保,

2. 卖完:shipment 出货 | sold out 卖完 | sole agent 总代理商

3. 卖出:take after长得像,性格像 | sold out卖出 | wear out worn out(物)破旧不堪;(人)筋疲力尽

sold out 单语例句

1. Tickets around the busy travel season sold out soon after becoming available for booking.

2. He said so many people are buying diamonds that they have already sold out of some categories.

3. During the buying frenzy that day, many car dealers sold out.


4. Only 500 sets of The Chiller were produced, and they sold out almost instantly when released on the Chinese mainland last month.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. It was not immediately clear whether the console sold out at all retailers, and Sony said that information would not be available for several days.

6. The sixth NBA China Games between the Heat and Clippers drew huge crowds in both cities and tickets were sold out within two days.

7. Many neighborhood stores were closed, whose owners said that their food and bottled water were sold out.

8. The first batch of PCs will come out in October to be sold in Henan Province.

9. The China National Theater production has come to Shanghai for third time - and each sold out in no time.

10. The site was sold to a local property developer, who claimed that projects in the area would be carried out with conservation in mind.
