soda water

soda water[ˈsəudə ˈwɔ:tə] 

soda water 基本解释


soda water 网络解释

1. 苏打水:鸡蛋柠檬水(Egg Lemonade) 原料:柠檬汁(Lemon Juice) 30毫升 蛋黄(Egg Yolk) 1个 糖水(Sugar Syrup) 20毫升 苏打水(Soda Water) 适量 调配:将上述材料(除苏打水外)倒入加有冰块的摇酒壶内,摇妥后,滤入加有三四块冰的古典杯,

2. 汽水:.据说血腥玛丽的名字是源自英格兰女王玛丽都驿这个人.六大基酒和香甜酒威士忌(Whisky)白兰地(Brandy)金(琴)酒(Gin)伏特加(Vodka)兰姆酒(Rum)龙舌兰(Tequila)利口酒-甜香酒(Liqueur) 五大汽水 苏打汽水(Soda Water) 通宁汽水(Ton

3. 苏打汽水:五大汽水 苏打汽水(Soda Water) 通宁汽水(Tonic Water) 姜汁汽水(Ginger Water) 七喜汽水(7-UP) 可乐(Cola) 重要果汁 柳橙汁、凤梨汁、番茄汁 葡萄柚汁、葡萄制、芭乐汁、苹果汁、小红莓果汁 运动饮料、杨桃制、椰子汁 重要配料 红石榴汁(Grenadine) 柠檬汁(Lenmon) 莱姆汁(Lime) 鲜奶油(Gream) 椰奶(Pina Colada) 鲜奶(Mil

4. 梳打水:汤力水 TONIC WATER 16.00 | 梳打水 SODA WATER 16.00 | 椰子水 COCNNT JUICE 16.00

soda water 词典解释
soda water是什么意思

1. 苏打水
    Soda water is fizzy water used for mixing with alcoholic drinks and fruit juice.

soda water 单语例句

1. If you're used to an afternoon soda, try carbonated or flavored water instead.

2. soda water在线翻译

2. Police used squirt guns to dilute the smoke, while sealing the chloride tanker in water mixed with caustic soda.

3. In comparison, the World Championships are like soda water in front of champagne.

4. The group stored the fat it collected in used soda and water bottles, which police showed reporters.

5. Milk jugs, garbage bags and soda cans floated in the murky water.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The water caused a bag of caustic soda lying inside to blow up, injuring the men.

soda water 英英释义

soda water的近义词


1. a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring

    e.g. in New England they call sodas tonics

    Synonym: pop soda soda pop tonic

2. effervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide

    Synonym: carbonated water club soda seltzer sparkling water
