social worker

social worker [ˈsəuʃəl ˈwə:kə]  [ˈsoʃəl ˈwɚkɚ] 

第三人称复数:social workers

social worker 基本解释

social worker


social worker 网络解释

1. 社工:根据我们的观察,这两年与商业、社会科学或人文学科相关的职位,比如说会计(accountant), 社工(social worker),项目协调人(Program Coordinator ),管理分析员(management analyst)等职位,移民局容易怀疑其职位的专业化和必要性,

2. 社会服务员:且看律师、医师、建筑师、会计师、社会服务员(Social Worker)、警察、邮务员、飞行师、领航员,甚至尝酒师(Winetaster)、水喉工、地产经纪、货车驾驶员、计程车驾驶员、电器工、电梯操纵员、私家车驾驶员......盖不下百数十种,再加上各大公司行会,

social worker 词典解释

1. 社会福利工作者
    A social worker is a person whose job is to do social work.

social worker 单语例句

1. A worker compiling disaster data at the social ministry put the number of confirmed deaths at 529.

2. They included officials of the local industrial and commercial department, a policeman and one labor and social security worker.

3. Tam said the government should at least deploy one more social worker to each school to help share the heavier workload the program would create.

4. A worker died while working on a refurbished elevator that had been scrapped earlier, highlighting the illegal business in reassembled elevators and raising widespread social concern.

5. The woman's absence was discovered when a social worker came to enquire about the reason for Lau's son's deteriorating scholastic performance.


6. " It's a complicated issue involving ethical concerns and social norms, " a staff worker surnamed Ma with the MOH's information office told China Daily.

7. Tam said a social worker is continuing to follow up the cases.

8. But she sees herself as a " social worker " after 11 years in the industry, and is looking forward to the extra arrivals during the World Cup.

9. It was hard for them to explain to their parents what a social worker does and where the job would lead.

10. social worker的近义词

10. But he also had a long history of homicidal threats, according to papers filed last week in local court by a social worker.

social worker 英英释义


1. someone employed to provide social services (especially to the disadvantaged)

    Synonym: caseworker welfare worker
