social sciences

social sciences

原级:social science

social sciences 基本解释

名词社会科学( social science的名词复数 )

social sciences 网络解释

1. 社科:希望找不错的专业设计师(Professional)来做产品,但忽略了产品经理(managment)的用人. 其实产品在从0到1的阶段,...也不属于社科(social sciences). 把管理(managment)归为technology比较合理. 但是公共管理却应该归为法学的范畴. ...

2. 社会学:小学的课程有阅读(reading)、算术(arithmetic)、语言(language)、科学(science)和社会学(social sciences). 另外的音乐、美术和体育则只上课不考试,也不评分,小学成绩单上的评分仅用三个英文字母表示,一是G(好),二是S(满意),三是N(需要努力).

3. 社学科学:经济 Economics | 社学科学 Social Sciences | 艺术 Arts

social sciences 单语例句


1. The General History of Chengdu was recently published by the Chengdu Academy of Social Sciences in Sichuan province's capital.

2. Zhang Xiaoming works with the research centre on culture under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

3. Beijing Academy of Social Sciences conducted a survey into the migrants in Beijing's commercial and service sectors.

4. Too much pocket money is given to children in Shanghai, showed a survey conducted by Adolescence Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

5. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences yesterday forecast China's consumer price index next year will rise within 3 percent.


6. More than 60 percent of China's oil consumption will be met by imports in 2020, according to a recent report by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

7. social sciences是什么意思

7. China's oil production would see a gradual decline after 2020, according to a recent report by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. The author is a demographer with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

9. A demographer from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said that China's divorce rate had surpassed that of Japan and South Korea.

10. Zhang Yi at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences'institute of population and labor economics, attributes the labor shortage to structural changes in China's demography.
