形容词势利眼的; 谄上傲下的; 恃才傲物的; 假充内行的
1. 势利眼:英格兰人的民族性中,多少有固步自封和势利眼(Snobbish)的特征. 因其保守,就特别喜欢搬出祖宗成法来抗拒改变. 这个至今仍保留着完整贵族阶层的国度,对于任何暴发户般的外国人其实都打心眼里不喜欢,在足球这个国技项目上尤其如此.
2. 势利的:snobbery 势利 | snobbish 势利的 | snobbishness 势利
3. 势力的:阴险的 sinister | 势力的 snobbish | 老于世故的 sophisticated
4. 很势利的:-自负的 conceited | -很势利的 snobbish | -自私的 selfish
1. (对自身社会地位、才智、品位等)过分自傲的,势利的
If you describe someone as snobbish, you disapprove of them because they are too proud of their social status, intelligence, or taste.
e.g. They had a snobbish dislike for their intellectual and social inferiors...
e.g. I'd expected her to be snobbish but she was warm and friendly.
1. Gossip columns in the media love to malign Shanghai women as being snobbish, materialistic and even loose in their lives.
2. snobbish
2. Ignorant or snobbish people may laugh at Dai, but he is a person that deserves our highest respect.
3. snobbish
3. I'm not so snobbish as to imply that entertainers should not be allowed as guest speakers.
4. Call me snobbish but I have never hidden my disappointment with Chinese television.
5. That does not take into account the ridicule and sneer they have to endure from snobbish peers.
6. Just because drinks prices are hefty and the view is superb, doesn't mean that the staff have to be rude or snobbish.
7. " The old'McJob'label is lazy and snobbish ", he says.
8. snobbish的近义词
8. They were once seen by the rest of the country as people who were too snobbish on the issue of marriage.
9. Although the article tries hard not to sound snobbish, it does make storm in some of the local elite's cups.
10. One may use this phrase as a verbal attack against anyone perceived as snobbish.
1. befitting or characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior