sneer at

sneer at [sniə æt]  [snɪr æt] 

sneer at 基本解释


sneer at 网络解释

1. 嘲笑:sneaky 卑鄙的 | sneer at 嘲笑 | sneer 冷笑

2. 斜视:├pour scorn on极力讽刺 | ├sneer at斜视 | └discount轻视

3. 蔑视,嘲笑:624.small hours 半夜后至三点钟止,后半夜. | 625.sneer at 蔑视,嘲笑. | and so 某某,某事.

sneer at 单语例句

1. sneer at的翻译

1. People with a little sense will sneer at this argument, as it is impossible to persuade a gambling addict to gamble sensibly.

2. Those of us from the generation of the book inevitably sneer at and fear MySpace, where teenagers think nothing of recording their late period alongside their favorite band.

3. And her fans would sneer at any adaptation they think stains the name of the writer.
