
sneaking [ˈsni:kɪŋ]  [ˈsnikɪŋ] 






过去分词:sneaked; snuck

过去式:sneaked; snuck

sneaking 基本解释


形容词鬼鬼祟祟的; 偷偷摸摸的; 卑怯的; 暗中的

动词潜行( sneak的现在分词 ); 偷偷溜走; (儿童向成人)打小报告; 告状

sneaking 网络解释

1. 偷偷逃走的:sneak-raid 偷袭 | sneaking 偷偷逃走的 | sneakingly 偷偷地

2. 偷偷逃走的/不争气的/卑鄙的:sneakers /运动鞋/帆布鞋/ | sneaking /偷偷逃走的/不争气的/卑鄙的/ | sneakingly /秘密地/卑鄙地/暗地/

3. 鬼鬼祟祟:poison 毒药 | sneaking 鬼鬼祟祟 | stratagem计谋

4. 秘密的,不公开的:snatch 抓,攫取 | sneak 鬼鬼祟祟而行,偷窃 | sneaking 秘密的,不公开的

sneaking 词典解释

1. 私底下的;暗自的;不敢公开承认的
    A sneaking feeling is a slight or vague feeling, especially one that you are unwilling to accept.

    e.g. I have a sneaking suspicion that they are going to succeed...
    e.g. I've always had this sneaking admiration for him.

sneaking 单语例句

1. sneaking

1. Reports emerged that the attackers apparently planned the school seizure months ago, sneaking weapons into the building in advance.


2. His fellow inmates risked extension of their prison terms for helping to copy the drafts and sneaking them out.

3. The dispatcher asked if Lohan was involved in sneaking out of the facility.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Sensing something was wrong, he got up in a hurry and saw two men sneaking downhill.

5. The high inflation level is primarily caused by the elevated prices on the international market sneaking into China through its huge import volume.

6. sneaking

6. " Elopement " is a scene from a movie or romance novel, conjuring images of teenage lovers sneaking out of windows by moonlight.

7. sneaking的近义词

7. A Mr Wang found an unexpected guest sneaking around his room and looking through his clothes earlier this morning.

8. Cheese might not appeal to all Chinese, but it might be sneaking into local tastes in the guise of cheeseburgers and pizza.

9. Their daughter discovered the sport at age eight, sneaking out of tumbling class to hang out with a bouncier crowd.

10. sneaking

10. Many financial experts claim an important reason behind the growth is international speculative funds sneaking into China and betting on the appreciation of the yuan.
