sneak out

sneak out [sni:k aut]  [snik aʊt] 

sneak out 基本解释

sneak out是什么意思


sneak out 网络解释

1. 开溜:time recorder 打卡机 | sneak out 开溜 | internship 实习

2. 溜出:新來人員 newcomer | 溜出 sneak out | 當局 authorities

3. 潜行外出,渐隐:snake through 蜿蜒通过...... | sneak out 潜行外出,渐隐 | snobbery n. 势利

4. 偷偷摸摸地拿走:ancient heritage 古代遗产 | tempting 诱人的 | sneak out 偷偷摸摸地拿走

sneak out 单语例句

1. The accused was trying to sneak out of the factory with an expensive electric machine when he was spotted.

2. sneak out

2. Lam of carrying out a " sneak sale " in this case.


3. The reporters had spent a lot of effort getting hold of the interviewees, who could only afford to sneak out of their meetings for 15 minutes.

4. " To somehow sneak out with the win is a cool feeling, " Woods said.

sneak out 英英释义



1. leave furtively and stealthily

    e.g. The lecture was boring and many students slipped out when the instructor turned towards the blackboard

    Synonym: slip away steal away sneak away sneak off
