1. 小军鼓:脚踏鼓的拾音使用两支e 902,而小军鼓(snares)和架子鼓(rack toms)的拾音由心形拾音模式的动圈e 904s完成. 落地鼓使用e 902s,而两个e 914s则用作悬吊话筒. 另外,e 906则确保了由Justin Derrico的吉他放大器发出的声音能够清楚地被听众听到.
2. 张网/设陷阱:elk驼鹿 | snares张网/设陷阱 | clan部落/宗族
1. Poachers lace the park with snares and also use torches at night to stun animals.
2. Keep a close eye on your financial affairs and be careful for hidden snares with any of your business ventures.