1. 思迈斯类:(26)思迈斯类(Smashes) Smashes(思迈斯)是朱力普中一种较淡的饮料,是用烈性酒、薄荷、糖等材料调制而成,加碎冰饮用. (27)司令类(Slings) Slings(司令)是以烈性酒如金酒等为酒基,加人利口酒、果汁等调制,并兑以苏打水混合而成,
1. As well as being a risk in the event of an accident, an unrestrained pet can also spark smashes.
2. A wall of water smashes against a pier at Shantou city, in southern China's Guangdong province.
3. When you let your side go the hammer smashes down on the rice beneath it.
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. The Chinese were dominant at the net and the duo from Singapore had no answer to their powerful smashes.