
smasher [ˈsmæʃə(r)] [ˈsmæʃə] 

smasher 基本解释


smasher 网络解释

1. (灵剑贯穿):Win a battle with Critical Finish.(以必杀终结来结束一场对战) | 12. Smasher(灵剑贯穿) 10 points | Destroy all of the opponent's equipment.(毁坏对手的所有装备)

2. 重击:smashed 喝醉酒的 | smasher 重击 | smashing 猛烈的

3. 击破器:小体积剂量计 small-volumn dosimeter | 击破器 smasher | 原子击破器 smasher, atom

4. 打碎者;击破器;分裂器;加速器:smash 打碎;发生裂变;破碎 | smasher 打碎者;击破器;分裂器;加速器 | SMAW 屏蔽金属弧焊

smasher 单语例句

1. The world's largest atom smasher has been damaged worse than previously thought and will be out of commission for at least two months.

smasher 英英释义


1. a conspicuous success

    e.g. that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career
           that new Broadway show is a real smasher
           the party went with a bang

    Synonym: hit smash strike bang

2. smasher的翻译

2. a very attractive or seductive looking woman

    Synonym: stunner knockout beauty ravisher sweetheart peach lulu looker mantrap dish

3. a person who smashes something
