
smartly [smɑ:tlɪ]  [ˈsmɑrtlɪ] 

smartly 基本解释

副词潇洒地; 刺痛地; 伶俐地; 机敏地

smartly 网络解释

1. 潇洒地:smarten 漂亮潇洒 | smartly 潇洒地 | smartness 现代风格

2. 潇洒地/火辣辣地/刺痛地:smarten /使潇洒/使整洁/变潇洒/变强烈/ | smartly /潇洒地/火辣辣地/刺痛地/ | smartness /现代风格/敏捷/机灵/

3. 快点儿:Sink me! 惊喜. | Smartly 快点儿. | Splice the Mainbrace! 喝一杯,或者更多.

4. 潇洒地,漂亮地:126.祝贺n. congratulation | 127.潇洒地,漂亮地smartly | 128.申请,应用apply

smartly 词典解释

1. smartly什么意思

1. 迅速的;利落的
    If someone moves or does something smartly, they do it quickly and neatly.

    e.g. The housekeeper moved smartly to the Vicar's desk to answer the call...
    e.g. Stacey saluted smartly.

smartly 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. By getting rid of outdated capacity and smartly reducing the actual production volume, cement can be sold at a better price.


2. Policymakers deserve credit for coming up with such a fiscal stimulus that smartly combines the need of boosting consumption with the task of going green.

3. smartly是什么意思

3. Trader Vic's smartly located itself off Nanjing Lu where many of the looming office are situated to provide Shanghai's first island oasis.

4. smartly的解释

4. Pictures obtained from security cameras showed the smartly uniformed policeman brandishing his pistol among rows of supermarket shelves.

5. Popular messages are usually smartly worded jokes, puns and greetings as well as hit images and pleasant ring tones.

6. He appeared smartly dressed and flanked by police officers for the brief court hearing.

7. Smartly dressed security guards met everyone that entered with an energetic salute and a smile.

8. Now we have more money in our pockets, we need to learn to eat smartly.


9. Kelon was once one of China's most admired companies because of its smartly designed refrigerators but has been thrust into crisis since last year.

10. The chefs have smartly combined the different styles of cooking instead of just putting some specific ingredients together.

smartly 英英释义


1. smartly的翻译

1. in a stylish manner

    e.g. He was smartly dressed

    Synonym: modishly sprucely

2. smartly的解释

2. with vigor
    in a vigorous manner

    e.g. he defended his ideas vigorously

    Synonym: vigorously

3. smartly的近义词

3. in a clever manner

    e.g. they were cleverly arranged
           a smartly managed business

    Synonym: cleverly
