
smart [smɑ:t]  [smɑ:rt] 









smart 基本解释

形容词聪明的; 敏捷的; 漂亮的; 整齐的

不及物动词疼痛; 感到刺痛; 难过

名词创伤; 刺痛; 疼痛; 痛苦



smart 同义词


形容词dapper wise keen bright alert brainy stylish clever chic intelligent fashionable shrewd natty quick

动词hurt ache

名词pain hurt ache

smart 反义词

形容词slovenly dull stupid dumb

smart 情景对话



A:I invest in good companies that (are promising / have smart management/ a strong record).

B:Now that’s great thinking.

smart 网络解释


1. 时髦:花边)、芝士 (cheese,奶酪) 、晒士(size,尺寸)、贴士(tips,小费)、番士(fans,歌迷影迷)、卡士(cast,演员阵容)、安士(ounce,盎司)、波士(boss,老板)、冇飞士(face,面子)、摆铺士(pose)时髦(smart):想不到吧,跟摩登(modern)一样,

2. smart:speech matching analysis recognition technology; 语音匹配分析识别技术

3. smart:system for the mechanical analysis and retrieval of text; 文本机械分析检索系统

4. smart:self monitoring analysis and reporting technology; 自我监控分析与报告技术,自监测分析报告技术

5. smart:supermarket allocation and recorder technique; 超级市场配送与记录系统

smart 词典解释

1. 外表整洁的
    Smart people and things are pleasantly neat and clean in appearance.

    e.g. He was smart and well groomed but not good looking...
    e.g. I was dressed in a smart navy blue suit.

He dressed very smartly which was important in those days.
...a smartly-painted door.
The jumper strikes the perfect balance between comfort and smartness.

2. 机灵的;聪明的
    You can describe someone who is clever as smart .

    e.g. He thinks he's smarter than Sarah is...
    e.g. Buying expensive furniture is not necessarily the smartest move to make.

3. 时髦的;气派的
    A smart place or event is connected with wealthy and fashionable people.

    e.g. London dinner parties.
    e.g. ...a smart residential district.

4. smart

4. (炸弹、武器等)灵巧的,精密制导的
    Smart bombs and weapons are guided by computers and lasers so that they hit their targets accurately.

5. (身体的某个部位或伤口)剧痛,刺痛
    If a part of your body or a wound smarts, you feel a sharp stinging pain in it.

    e.g. My eyes smarted from the smoke.

6. (因批评、失败等)感到不高兴,感到难受
    If you are smarting from something such as criticism or failure, you feel upset about it.

    e.g. The Americans were still smarting from their defeat in the Vietnam War...
    e.g. He is still smarting over criticism of his victorious but clumsy performance.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 时尚有钱人的圈子
    The smart set is a group of fashionable and wealthy people.

    e.g. ...Spago, favourite eating place of the Los Angeles smart set.

8. the smart money -> see money

smart 单语例句

1. Wearing a smart business suit and tie, he would surely speak English wouldn't he?

2. smart

2. " But what's the most important is smart regulation, " he said.

3. It's a smart way of shopping as it allows masses of Internet users to group together and buy products at retail cost.

4. It looks like a bystander has shot the footage on a good quality smart phone.

5. This is money well spent, and is what I call smart investment.

6. She usually drives between the three cities across two countries'vastly different terrain, her baby calmly sleeping and her smart phone within easy reach.

7. Like people, part of being a smart institution is knowing what you cannot do.

8. BEIJING - Many foreign companies want to capitalize from the booming smart grid industry in China by increasing investment and providing technology support and solutions.

9. Smart said he read from the book repeatedly during her captivity, often sang hymns and laced his conversations with religious language.

10. Cyclists ask park administrators for a special smart card that activates the machine.

smart 英英释义



1. a kind of pain such as that caused by a wound or a burn or a sore

    Synonym: smarting smartness


1. be the source of pain

    Synonym: ache hurt


1. capable of independent and apparently intelligent action

    e.g. smart weapons

2. improperly forward or bold

    e.g. don't be fresh with me
           impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup
           an impudent boy given to insulting strangers
           Don't get wise with me!

    Synonym: fresh impertinent impudent overbold saucy sassy wise

3. smart的意思

3. showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. elegant and stylish

    e.g. chic elegance
           a smart new dress
           a suit of voguish cut

    Synonym: chic voguish

5. quick and brisk

    e.g. I gave him a smart salute
           we walked at a smart pace

6. smart

6. characterized by quickness and ease in learning

    e.g. some children are brighter in one subject than another
           smart children talk earlier than the average

    Synonym: bright

7. smart的翻译

7. painfully severe

    e.g. he gave the dog a smart blow
