small group

small group

small group 单语例句

1. It is not uncommon in some places that the appointment of cadres is controlled by a small group or even an individual.

2. There is emerging evidence that cancer tumors are started and sustained by a small group of cancer cells - cancer stem cells.

3. Extra police beefed up security at the Brazilian Embassy on Wednesday night and a small group of Zelaya supporters carrying banners arrived at the building.

4. Working with the chamber helped him realize the need to coordinate volunteer efforts, and through his contacts he began helping a small group of friends find volunteer work.

5. Members of Wahid's own party and a small Christian group walked out before the vote was taken and a faction representing the military abstained.

6. small group什么意思

6. A sweeping income tax cut is only a very small step toward fostering a large domestic consumer group with adequate purchasing power.

7. small group的翻译

7. Large enterprises such as Baosteel Group could secure their supply under contract price, while small mills have to buy iron ore in the spot market.

8. small group的翻译

8. A bipartisan group of 178 lawmakers signed on to Ryan's measure, and small manufacturers called it crucial to lowering the trade deficit with China.

9. The Obamas arrived in Honolulu on Saturday with four aides, his Secret Service detail and a small group of journalists.

10. Local police said the protesters had been incited by a small group of ringleaders whose dialect indicated they were not natives of the county.
