
slugfest ['slʌɡfest]  ['slʌɡfest] 

slugfest 基本解释


slugfest 网络解释

1. 剑龙:圣母女主小红在给虎子们圈养的机器恐龙喂食时,发现两只可爱小宠物暴龙(Overkill)和剑龙(Slugfest)失踪,于是善良的女主一边让DJ声波PAPA检查恐龙畜栏安全记录,一边询问旁边现场当事人巨型恐龙战队队长高脚怪(Goryu)是否吃掉了他的同类-_,

2. 激烈的殴斗:slugabed 睡懒觉的人 | slugfest 激烈的殴斗 | sluggard 偷懒者

3. 激烈的互殴:slugabed /睡懒觉的人/ | slugfest /激烈的互殴/ | sluggard /偷懒者/游手好闲的人/懒鬼/

4. 激战:40. 双龙城矿洞牛怪:Minotaur | 41. 激战:slugfest | 42. 云门关:Desert City

slugfest 双语例句

1. Neither man will back down! It's a slugfest, folks!

2. The annual Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race is much the same: a slugfest between predominantly non-British mercenaries.

3. Around Ypres, the Allies and the Germans fought for nearly four years in a marathon slugfest that produced some of the war's most famous and deadly battles.

4. It's basically a slugfest with his units.

5. This one is a genuine slugfest with plenty of tank batlles.

6. Likewise if you want the beginning of the game and the end of the game to be a massive non-stop slugfest, then you can give the player lots of extra weapons and ammo in these areas, hopefully as part of the story, instead of trying to save their ammo during the middle of the game.

7. Like most everybody else, he'd just like to see a good ol'fashioned slugfest with skill and courage displayed by the combatants.

8. The grind-it-out slugfest of the Pistons-Heat series is going to be contrasted by the raging flow of the Mavs-Suns track meet.

9. He's a fast, powerful and explosive boxer, who's agile enough and crafty enough to outbox even the slickest men in the game, but strong enough to win a slugfest with its hardest hitters.

slugfest 英英释义


1. a fight with bare fists

    Synonym: fistfight fisticuffs
