
sloth [sləʊθ]  [sloʊθ] 



sloth 基本解释

名词懒惰; 懒散; <动>树獭; (经济)停滞

sloth 相关例句



1. Sloth is the mother of poverty.

2. His sloth keeps him from taking part in sports.

sloth 网络解释

1. 树懒:例如位於加勒比海边(Caribbean)的Tortoguero龟岛国家公园内,交错复杂河道流经茂密的热带雨林,各种生物如树懒(Sloth),吼猴(howler monkey),大嘴鸟等在林中活跃.

2. 树獭:如果我们打算去了解欧洲古迹文物的话,那么,我们必须拿迄今仍存在的、被世界其他地区的野蛮种族所使用的原始工具和武器予以比较. 事实上,塔斯马尼亚人和南美洲土著居民之于文物工作者与袋鼠(Opossum)和树獭(Sloth)之于地质学家一样重要.

sloth 词典解释

1. 懒惰,怠惰(尤指工作方面)
    Sloth is laziness, especially with regard to work.

    e.g. He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth.

2. 树懒(见于中美洲和南美洲)
    A sloth is an animal from Central and South America. Sloths live in trees and move very slowly.

sloth 单语例句

1. The judge said the three had fallen into " cyber sloth ", spending much of their time playing computer games and watching DVDs instead of studying.

2. sloth

2. People like me would not have to blame our repellent stomachs on our sloth and greed.

3. Age and sloth are not a good mix for any academic endeavor.

sloth 英英释义


1. apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins)

    Synonym: laziness acedia

2. any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America
    they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits

    Synonym: tree sloth

3. a disinclination to work or exert yourself

    Synonym: slothfulness
