
sloppiness ['slɒpɪnəs]  ['slɒpɪnəs] 

sloppiness 基本解释
sloppiness 网络解释


1. 溢出, (转炉)四射:culprit n.监犯 | sloppiness 溢出, (转炉)四射 | spiffy adj.好看的, 标致的, 出色的, 爽利的, 极美妙的

2. 草率:相互競爭不如互助合作. Choose co-operation over competition. | 草率Sloppiness | 掌握會議重點,提高工作效率. Make efficient use of meeting time.

3. 溢出, (转炉)喷溅:culprit n.犯人 | sloppiness 溢出, (转炉)喷溅 | spiffy adj.好看的, 漂亮的, 出色的, 利落的, 绝妙的

4. 濕漉漉的樣子:throw up 舉起、拋棄 | sloppiness 濕漉漉的樣子 | formidable 難以克服的

sloppiness 单语例句

1. sloppiness

1. Doll said China's stocks are in for some " sloppiness " in the short term and he has an underweight on the nation's property stocks.

sloppiness 英英释义



1. sloppiness在线翻译

1. falsely emotional in a maudlin way

    Synonym: mawkishness sentimentality drippiness mushiness soupiness

2. the quality of not being careful or taking pains

    Synonym: carelessness

3. a lack of order and tidiness
    not cared for

    Synonym: slovenliness unkemptness

4. sloppiness

4. the wetness of ground that is covered or soaked with water

    e.g. the baseball game was canceled because of the wateriness of the outfield
           the water's muddiness made it undrinkable
           the sloppiness of a rainy November day

    Synonym: wateriness muddiness
