
slimy [ˈslaɪmi]  [ˈslaɪmi] 





slimy 基本解释

形容词黏滑的; 似黏液的; <贬>谄媚的; 虚伪的

slimy 网络解释

1. 矿泥的:slimer 矿泥摇床 | slimy 矿泥的 | slip 断层

2. 泥泞的:slimsy 细的 | slimy 泥泞的 | sling over 用力拥抱

3. 討厭的:MEAN:卑鄙機車的 | SLIMY:討厭的 | STUDLY:強壯性感的

4. 粘糊糊的:slimy 泥的 | slimy 粘糊糊的 | sling 吊绳

slimy 词典解释

1. slimy的反义词

1. 泥泞的;黏糊糊的;黏滑的
    Slimy substances are thick, wet, and unpleasant. Slimy objects are covered in a slimy substance.

    e.g. His feet slipped in the slimy mud...
    e.g. Her hand touched something cold and slimy.

2. 假意奉承的;口蜜腹剑的;滑头的;卑鄙的
    If you describe someone as slimy, you dislike them because they are friendly and pleasant in an insincere way.

    e.g. I've worked hard for what I have and I don't want it taken away by some slimy business partner.

slimy 单语例句

1. Smelly mandarin fish got its name because the live fish has a slimy smelly skin that deters predators.

2. Most of you are rather intimidated by slimy sea things - jelly fish, sea cucumbers.

3. slimy

3. " It seemed slimy to be awoken with this kind of news, " Jackson told the Los Angeles Times.

4. The Bund Brewery is your local pub minus the sticky floors and slimy businessmen.

slimy 英英释义



1. morally reprehensible

    e.g. would do something as despicable as murder
           ugly crimes
           the vile development of slavery appalled them
           a slimy little liar

    Synonym: despicable ugly vile unworthy worthless wretched

2. covered with or resembling slime

    e.g. a slimy substance covered the rocks

    Synonym: slimed
