
slicing ['slaɪsɪŋ]  ['slaɪsɪŋ] 






slicing 基本解释


名词切割; 限幅,限制

slicing 网络解释

1. (片):这种惰性利用了 Python 的分片(slicing)功能. 下面的代码并没有先请求所有的记录,然后对所需要的记录进行分片,而是在实际的查询中使用了 5 作为 OFFSET、10 作为 LIMIT,这可以极大地提高性能.

2. 切片:(2)切片(SLICING): 从坩埚中拉出的晶柱,表面并不平整,经过工业级钻石磨具的加工,磨成平滑的圆柱,并切除头尾两端锥状段,形成标准的圆柱,被切除或磨削的部份则回收重新冶炼.

3. 刨切:peeling 剥皮,旋切 | slicing 刨切 | planing 剥削,刨平

4. 分层开采:slicer 刨煤机 | slicing 分层开采 | slicing and caving 分层崩落开采

slicing 单语例句

1. But lightly regulated financial outfits began slicing and dicing the resulting mortgages into securities and selling them to investors.

2. She is relishing the day the new subway lines are connected, slicing even more money and time off her journey.

3. slicing是什么意思

3. He tried to clear the ball but lost his footing and succeeded only in slicing it into the roof of his own net.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Marquetry requires slicing and weaving bamboo strips into geometric patterns sometimes inlaid with jade.

5. Always wash the outside of your melon before slicing to keep from contaminating the flesh.

6. Yingli is a vertically integrated solar company that makes polysilicon from casting ingots to slicing wafers.

7. " This is a'salami tactic'of slicing the sausage very thinly to maximize compensation, " it said.

8. A leg of ham is mounted on a rack ready for slicing.

9. When terrine is cooked, chill well before slicing so that the juices will firm up the terrine.

10. slicing的意思

10. Yang clearly remembers one day when her grandmother was slicing a juicy, ripe watermelon in half.

slicing 英英释义



1. slicing是什么意思

1. the act of cutting into slices

2. a golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed golfer

    e.g. he took lessons to cure his slicing

    Synonym: slice fade
