
sleep [sli:p]  [slip] 






sleep 基本解释

不及物动词& link-动词睡,睡觉

不及物动词睡,睡觉; 睡眠状态

及物动词为…提供床位; 提供住宿; 以睡觉打发日子


sleep 同义词

动词doze rest slumber snooze drowse nap

名词rest slumber nap

sleep 反义词


sleep 相关词组

1. go to sleep : 入睡, 睡着;

2. sleep in : 睡过头;

3. get to sleep : 入睡, 设法睡着;

4. sleep around : 到处乱搞男女关系;

5. have one's sleep out : 睡足;

6. sleep rough : 睡得难受(常指露宿);

7. fall on sleep : 入睡, 死亡;

8. sleep late : 睡懒觉, 迟起;

9. sleep together : 同床, 发生性关系, 性交;

10. fall into a deep sleep : 酣睡;

11. sleep out : 睡在露天, 不住在工作处;

12. sleep over : 不在家过夜;

sleep 相关例句


1. How many guests can the motel sleep?


1. He was still sleeping when I went in.


1. It seems that you haven't got enough sleep.

2. He went to his final sleep.

sleep 情景对话


A:What do you do in your spare time?

B:I like to play golf and badminton.

A:What do you usually do every evening?

B:I just like to sleep like a lazy cat.

A:What’s your favorite hobby?

B:My favorite sport is tennis.

A:Do you like to read books?

B:I enjoy reading so much that I always read in a quiet afternoon with a cup of good coffee.

A:By the way, would you like to see movies.

B:That’s OK.


B:Man, that sunset is beautiful. I’ve never seen one so red.

A:Yeah, it’s pretty nice, but its so red because of air pollution.


A:Yeah, the smog from all these cars gets into the air and turns the sunlight red.

B:I never knew that.

A:Yeah, more people need to take public transportation or carpool.

B:Well, we’ve already done our part.

A:Yeah, it’s your turn to drive next week. Don’t be late picking me up.

B:Don’t worry. I’m getting more sleep these days. The baby’s finally growing up a little more.

A:Well, give me a call if you can’t make it for some reason.

Waking Someone Up-(叫醒某人)

A:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up? and get out of bed.

B:Do I have to get up now?

A:You’d better get up, or you’ll be late.

B:What are you talking about? My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet.
      你说什么呀? 我的闹钟都还没响呢?

A:Yes, it did. It went off? 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it?. You’re like a dead person while you sleep.

B:I must have slept right through it.

A:Rise and shine?! Sleepyhead!

B:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes.

A:The early bird gets the worm?.

B:I know. I know. But I don’t want any worms.

A:Ha! Ha! If you don’t make an effort now, later on it’ll be a lot tougher for you.
      哈!哈! 如果你现在不努力的话,将来的生活就会变得更加艰

sleep 网络解释


1. 入睡:也有严肃的想法(thoughts),可作者开始严正地怀疑(doubts)自己是不是白活了21年. 19 D 逻辑推理 比赛结束,作者们比赛双方都仰卧平躺,疲惫不堪,无法再开始(start)、再玩(play)、入睡(sleep),连动一动(move)都不行了.

sleep 词典解释

1. 睡眠;睡觉
    Sleep is the natural state of rest in which your eyes are closed, your body is inactive, and your mind does not think.

    e.g. They were exhausted from lack of sleep...
    e.g. Try and get some sleep...

2. 睡觉;睡着;入睡
    When you sleep, you rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body inactive.

    e.g. During the car journey, the baby slept...
    e.g. I've not been able to sleep for the last few nights.

3. 一段睡眠时间;一觉
    A sleep is a period of sleeping.

    e.g. I think he may be ready for a sleep soon.

4. (大楼、房间等)可供(若干人)住宿,睡得下(若干人)
    If a building or room sleeps a particular number of people, it has beds for that number of people.

    e.g. The villa sleeps 10 and costs £530 per person for two weeks.
           这座别墅可以住下 10 人,每人两周的费用是 530 英镑。

5. see also: sleeping

There are several verbal expressions in English using the noun sleep which refer to the moment when you start to sleep. When you go to bed at night, you normally go to sleep or fall asleep. When you go to sleep, it is usually a deliberate action. He didn't want to go to sleep. You can fall asleep by accident, or at a time when you should be awake. I've seen doctors fall asleep in the operating theatre. If you have difficulty sleeping, you can say that you cannot get to sleep. Sometimes the fever prevents the child from getting to sleep.
英语中有几个用 sleep 的名词形式表示开始睡觉的动词短语。晚上上床睡觉的时候通常用 go to sleep (上床睡觉)或者 fall asleep (睡着)。go to sleep 通常指一种清醒时有意为之的行为,如:He didn't want to go to sleep (他不想上床睡觉)。fall asleep 可以指无意中睡着,或是在应该清醒的时候睡着,例如:I've seen doctors fall asleep in the operating theatre (我见过医生在手术室里睡着的情形)。假如无法入睡,可以说 cannot get to sleep,如:Sometimes the fever prevents the child from getting to sleep (有时候发烧使孩子无法入睡)。

6. 睡着;入睡
    If you cannot get to sleep, you are unable to sleep.

    e.g. I can't get to sleep with all that singing.

7. 对…十分担心;为…而睡不着觉
    If you say that you didn't lose any sleep over something, you mean that you did not worry about it at all.

    e.g. I didn't lose too much sleep over that investigation.

8. 好好考虑一夜;把…留待第二天再作决定
    If you are trying to make a decision and you say that you will sleep on it, you mean that you will delay making a decision on it until the following day, so you have time to think about it.

9. 使(尤指有病或有伤的动物)无痛苦地死去;使长眠
    If a sick or injured animal is put to sleep, it is killed by a vet in a way that does not cause it pain.

    e.g. I'm going take the dog down to the vet's and have her put to sleep.

10. to sleep rough -> see rough

相关词组:sleep around sleep off sleep over sleep through sleep together sleep with

sleep 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Fatigue is usually caused by too little sleep or overexertion and goes away with sufficient rest.

2. Many of the wounded were being treated in hallways by harried doctors and nurses running on little sleep.

3. The team interviewed 885 new mothers about caffeine intake and infants'sleep habits at the age of 3 months.

4. Takahashi attributed loss of the race to the hurt of calf muscles, saying her " legs began to go to sleep after 30 km ".

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Sleeping in a dark and quiet environment during the day can improve sleep and prevent early morning sunlight from activating the internal daytime clock.

6. But many female students and teachers argued that having girlfriends sleep over would affect other roommates and complicate campus management.

7. Like so many mountains in China, a TV station can be found at the top where you can also sleep.

8. After a healthy dinner by candlelight and some star gazing, it was time for sleep.

9. Don't sleep in locked cars with the heating on, to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

10. The associations between sleep duration and weight gain persisted even after controlling for factors such as physical activity and calorie consumption in both groups.

sleep 英英释义


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb)

    e.g. she was laid to rest beside her husband
           they had to put their family pet to sleep

    Synonym: rest eternal rest eternal sleep quietus

2. a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended

    e.g. he didn't get enough sleep last night
           calm as a child in dreamless slumber

    Synonym: slumber

3. a torpid state resembling deep sleep

    Synonym: sopor

4. a period of time spent sleeping

    e.g. he felt better after a little sleep
           there wasn't time for a nap

    Synonym: nap


1. be asleep

    Synonym: kip slumber log Z's catch some Z's

2. be able to accommodate for sleeping

    e.g. This tent sleeps six people
