
slapping ['slæpɪŋ]  ['slæpɪŋ] 






slapping 基本解释



动词掌击,拍打( slap的现在分词 ); 制止; 镇压; (尤指生气地)啪的一声放下

slapping 网络解释

1. 极好的:slapjack 薄煎饼 | slapping 极好的 | slapstick 闹剧

2. 故障杂音(机器):壁脚板 skirting board | 故障杂音(机器) slapping | 吊链 sling chain

3. 非常的:slap 松动拍击 | slapping 非常的 | slat conveyor 条板输送机

4. 故障杂音;拍击:slack water area 憩流区域 | slapping 故障杂音;拍击 | slave pedestal 副台座

slapping 单语例句

1. Chen accused the French company of slapping unfair fees on producers who wanted to sell their goods at Carrefour.

2. Dusty Lane is a sports copy editor who does not condone face slapping in most instances.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Sunday that Japan will contemplate slapping additional sanctions on the DPRK in line with the resolution.

4. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said yesterday Japan would contemplate slapping additional sanctions on the DPRK in line with the resolution.

5. If I want to say some especially false things, then I have slapping myself in the face.

6. slapping的近义词

6. An unlicensed kindergarten has been shut down by authorities after surveillance footage emerged of a teacher repeatedly slapping children in her class.

7. Just think of the popular card game gin rummy, and you'll be slapping the table and screaming out " mahjong " in no time.

8. The young attacker in Wuxi was detained for 15 days for slapping the historian in the ear.

9. slapping

9. Slapping protectionist duties on imports from China only hinders industrial restructuring in related countries to slow the pace of a global recovery.

10. It was called " happy slapping " and proved to be anything but.
