slack season

slack season [slæk ˈsi:zən]  [slæk ˈsizən] 

slack season 基本解释

淡季; 农闲

slack season 网络解释

1. 淡季:slack path松弛路径 | slack season淡季 | sleeping partner隐名合伙人

slack season 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. During the slack season, villagers will organize varied entertainment events like cockerel racing.


2. Prices have risen strongly since May - a traditionally slack season - mainly because of a cyclical domestic shortage of pigs and surging feed prices.

3. Village opera troupes perform only during the slack season or at major religious festivals and most performers do not get regular monthly remuneration.

4. The slack season will continue for another six months, he said.

5. But the profit increase will slow because the fourth quarter is usually a slack season for airlines.

6. Held during the slack season for farming, it traditionally consists of a long series of rituals and activities.

7. slack season是什么意思

7. During the slack season, she takes care of the administrative work at the center.

8. The move is helping to boost business over the summer, which is generally a slack season for the building materials industry.
