
skit [skɪt]  [skɪt] 


skit 基本解释

名词讽刺文; 小喜剧; <口>若干; 一群

skit 网络解释

1. 短剧:Gridiron Club每年的晚宴,总统夫妇都应邀出席,连带的内阁阁员、大法官、重要的参、众议员和华府有影响力的外交官们也是座上客,大家穿著大礼服、戴高帽子,席间记者和官员们彼此粉墨登场,演出唱作的讽刺短剧(skit),互相戏谑对方,算

2. 戏剧小品:pantomimist 哑剧演员 | skit 戏剧小品 | circus show 马戏

3. 讽刺话:skirting 裙料 | skit 讽刺话 | skite 突击

4. 滑稽短句:sip啜饮 | skit滑稽短句 | anecdote小故事

skit 词典解释

1. (采用模仿手法的)滑稽短剧,幽默讽刺小品
    A skit is a short performance in which the actors make fun of people, events, and types of literature by imitating them.

    e.g. ...clever skits on popular songs.

skit 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The comment met with derision from Palin's critics and was turned into a punch line for a " Saturday Night Live " skit featuring actress Tina Fey.

2. It seems that it is still hard for the mainstream drama circles to accept the folk skit.

3. Two brave male presenters volunteered to experience labour pains for a skit on their TV show.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Every year he produces a little skit, not unlike those performed by high school students on talent night.

5. Especially popular was his witty, sarcastic skit on his female partner's breasts.

6. This time, the skit ended with an appearance by Clinton herself.

7. skit

7. The short skit shows how women have to learn swimming as one way to adapt to severe floods caused by climate change.

8. Chen first rose to fame during the 1984 Spring Festival Gala, in which he and actor Zhu Shimao introduced their skit Eating Noodles.

9. It was his role in a short skit on pig breeding that took him into a drama troupe.

10. The famous Saturday Night Live comedy show opened their latest show with a skit on New York Knicks breakout star.

skit 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. a short theatrical episode
