
sketch [sketʃ]  [skɛtʃ] 






sketch 基本解释

名词素描; 草图; 梗概

动词速写; 草拟; 简述

sketch 相关例句


1. He sketched the cat.

2. His rise to power is briefly sketched in the first two chapters.

3. He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes.


1. He went out sketching on Sunday.


1. At the meeting he gave a sketch of recent happenings.

2. He did a sketch of the ballet dancers.

sketch 网络解释

1. 徒手画线:问题56 用[徒手画线](Sketch)命令绘制不规则线时,为什么生成的是很多短线而不是一条多段线?问题57 在[徒手画线]命令执行中,如何删除错误的部分?问题58 如何绘制建筑平面图中的实心圆柱?专题7 编辑对象问题59 如何对齐两个图形对象?

sketch 词典解释

1. 草图;略图;素描
    A sketch is a drawing that is done quickly without a lot of details. Artists often use sketches as a preparation for a more detailed painting or drawing.

    e.g. ...a sketch of a soldier by Orpen.

2. sketch的近义词

2. 为…画素描
    If you sketch something, you make a quick, rough drawing of it.

    e.g. Clare and David Astor are sketching a view of far Spanish hills...
    e.g. I always sketch with pen and paper.

3. 概略描述;简述
    A sketch of a situation, person, or incident is a brief description of it without many details.

    e.g. ...thumbnail sketches of heads of state and political figures...
    e.g. I had a basic sketch of a plan.

4. sketch

4. 概述;简述
    If you sketch a situation or incident, you give a short description of it, including only the most important facts.

    e.g. Cross sketched the story briefly, telling the facts just as they had happened.

5. (通常指喜剧节目中的)幽默短剧
    A sketch is a short humorous piece of acting, usually forming part of a comedy show.

    e.g. ...a five-minute sketch about a folk singer.
           刻画一位民歌手的 5 分钟幽默短剧

相关词组:sketch in sketch out

sketch 单语例句


1. Murphy noted that the club has a gallery selling collectible posters and other art, and it provides patrons with sketch pads.

2. The old man recalls that at one demotion site he suffered a minor heart attack but managed to finish his sketch with quivering hands.

3. How were sketch drawing lessons taught in modern China's art academies?

4. Wang goes for a sketch of his favorite model Dree Hemingway on his creation.

5. She began painting after making a pen and ink sketch of her a small village to explain to her granddaughter what one looked like.

6. This famous line from a TV sketch was a pet phrase earlier this year.

7. Fey appeared as Palin in a sketch introducing a mock " Sarah Palin Network, " satirizing Palin's entry into media.

8. sketch的近义词

8. Tina Fey reprised her impression of Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live while hosting the NBC sketch comedy show Saturday night.

9. Open the snap flap to reveal a sexy sketch of a naked woman on the white leather patch.

10. It has the opening lyrics for the song, and a rough sketch of four people in a room with windows draped in curtains.

sketch 英英释义


1. preliminary drawing for later elaboration

    e.g. he made several studies before starting to paint

    Synonym: study

2. short descriptive summary (of events)

    Synonym: survey resume

3. sketch的翻译

3. a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine

    Synonym: cartoon

4. a brief literary description

    Synonym: vignette


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1. describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of

    e.g. sketch the outline of the book
           outline his ideas

    Synonym: outline adumbrate

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2. make a sketch of

    e.g. sketch the building

    Synonym: chalk out
