size one

size one

size one 单语例句

1. size one

1. The painted clay figures vary greatly in size, with the largest one being 33 m high and the smallest only 10 cm.

2. One would expect an object of this size to come this close to Earth about every six years on average.

3. When you pick one up they come apart into a dumpling of small but recognisable size.

4. He said one outstanding matter is a discussion over the size and composition of an international military force that would assist the two Sudan states.

5. Their size raised concerns that one mistake would blow the cover of many agents, said the paper.

6. BEIJING - Scientists have discovered a new dinosaur species whose members were similar in size to a parrot but only had one finger.

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7. Credit problems of the size necessary to develop fear of a sovereign debt default do not suddenly emerge one Monday morning.

8. China's family planning policies encourage most urban residents to limit their family size to one child.

9. This was despite the fact that there was only one size in her cardboard box.

10. " That is really cute, " said one prospective customer while trying it on for size.
