
sizable ['saɪzəbl]  [ˈsaɪzəbəl] 

sizable 基本解释

形容词可观; 相当大的,颇大的

sizable 网络解释


1. 相当大的:3.相当大的(Sizable). 这一点更明显了,市场缝隙必须大到足以维持企业的生存. 即使有某种特定的产品可卖给惯用左手的意大利寡妇,但是这类客户并不多. 本章的大部分篇幅都是有关缝隙规模的,但要记住的一个关键点是,如果不符合其他三条标准,

2. 巨大的:购买buypurchase; | 巨大的largeenormous; immense; sizable; colossal; gigantic | 小的smalltrivial; slight

3. 可调大小的:sited component 站台组件 | sizable 可调大小的 | size box 大小方块

4. 大的:six-fold coverage 六次覆盖 | sizable 大的 | size analysis 粒度分析

sizable 词典解释

1. -> see sizeable

sizable 单语例句

1. Residents and leaders of Massachusetts towns with sizable gay populations saw the ruling as a good business opportunity.

2. While a Pennsylvania defeat for Clinton could spell the end of her candidacy, a sizable win would strengthen her claim to being the stronger general election opponent.

3. A sizable number of city dwellers now own more than one vacant house and many like to cash in on their properties.

4. sizable的反义词

4. Singapore's centralized MPF system administration has been quite successful in formulating rules and regulating fund manager operations to bring sizable gains to scheme members'investments.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Major banks have written off sizable losses thereby adding to a constriction of credit.

6. A sizable number of people suggested that the industry should stop cranking out so many models so often.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Clinton needs to win by sizable margins in Ohio and Texas to cut into Obama's lead in the delegate count because they are awarded proportionally.

8. sizable

8. Merrill Lynch still has sizable portfolio of complex financial instruments called collateralized debt obligations, which combine slices of different kinds of risk.

9. And when a sizable middle class emerged in those economies, a kind of political democratization began.

10. It was debuted in 1832 as one of the first cries of a sizable and disgruntled youth movement.

sizable 英英释义


1. large in amount or extent or degree

    e.g. it cost a considerable amount
           a goodly amount
           received a hefty bonus
           a respectable sum
           a tidy sum of money
           a sizable fortune

    Synonym: goodly goodish healthy hefty respectable sizeable tidy

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2. fairly large

    e.g. a sizable fortune
           an ample waistline
           of ample proportions

    Synonym: ample sizeable
