single file

single file [ˈsiŋɡl fail]  [ˈsɪŋɡəl faɪl] 

single file 基本解释
single file 网络解释

single file的解释

1. 一列纵队:single entry 简式记帐 | single file 一列纵队 | single lens reflex 单镜头

2. 直线纵队:Definitely partners.|绝对是伙伴 | Single file.|直线纵队 | You gotta aim. Aim the gun.|你得先瞄准才行

3. [军]一路纵队:Indian file [军]一路纵队 | single file [军]一路纵队 | on file 存档; 有案可查

4. 排成一排:8.Sit still 坐好 | 4. Single file 排成一排 | 5. Two files.. 排成兩排

single file 单语例句

1. They were brought in and out in single file, chained together at the wrists and wearing ankle chains.

2. single file的翻译

2. The teams of skaters, in single file and close together moved with perfect coordination like express trains.

3. single file在线翻译

3. Two classes shared one staircase, but the students in one class had to file out in a single line.

4. I still remember the long single file of cars on St Patrick Street leading to King Edward and Hull in Ottawa.

5. single file的近义词

5. The restless crowd suddenly fell silent as about 40 monks processed in single file and took up their positions to the right of the Buddha.

single file 英英释义


1. single file是什么意思

1. a line of persons or things ranged one behind the other

    Synonym: file Indian file
