silver lining

silver lining [ˈsilvə ˈlaɪnɪŋ]  [ˈsɪlvɚ ˈlaɪnɪŋ] 

silver lining 基本解释
silver lining 网络解释

silver lining的意思

1. 一线希望:您买的那双鞋多半在200块以上),嘟嘟嘟嘟,顾客在心帐理论第二结论的重火力下纷纷倒下. 如果有某个经济活动涉及到大笔开支/损失,同时有某个经济活动减少了一点该损失,把该经济活动单列出来. 第四结论又叫一线希望(silver lining)结论.

2. 曙光:speaking engagement 演讲 | silver lining 曙光 | make good on 兑现

3. (不幸或失望中的)一线希望:water down 搀水, 加水冲淡 | silver lining (不幸或失望中的)一线希望 | trainer 训练者, 驯服者, 驯马师, 软运动鞋

4. (痛苦,失望,或不幸中的)一线希望(或慰籍):inflammatory 发炎的,引起炎症的,煽动性的,易燃的 | silver lining (痛苦,失望,或不幸中的)一线希望(或慰籍) | spare 赦免,免除

silver lining 单语例句

1. The footballer said there was a silver lining to England's failure to qualify for Euro 2008 after it was knocked out by Croatia last month.

2. silver lining

2. Every cloud has a silver lining, and every bright spot has dark edges.

3. The silver lining is that the heavy rainfall is greatly needed, as Zhangzhou enters the dry season with 470 local reservoirs only half full.

4. But every cloud has a silver lining, with Tong Tong's mother deciding to stop taking the tablets.

5. silver lining

5. The silver lining is that you may turn your inner darkness into fine ink to paint or write.

6. silver lining的意思

6. This lamb's life wasn't all silver lining - but it wasn't just one big cloud, either.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. In a year that saw poor performances from the country's national teams, the Zimbabwe rugby team was a silver lining in dark clouds.


8. It also noted the silver lining for states where the economy is based on energy, such as North Dakota and Wyoming.

9. The duo said it is they who should thank Xue for providing a silver lining amid death and destruction.

10. The silver lining for investors has been the chance to return to markets at what hopefully represents the low point of the cycle.

silver lining 英英释义

silver lining的解释


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a consoling aspect of a difficult situation

    e.g. every cloud has a silver lining
           look on the bright side of it

    Synonym: bright side
