silica gel

silica gel [ˈsilikə dʒel]  [ˈsɪlɪkə dʒɛl] 

silica gel 基本解释


silica gel 网络解释

1. 硅胶:这些都是属於巴尔比士酸(Barbituric)系的安眠药,大量服用即可使心先举出一些看上去可能致死,实际上毒性很差不宜自杀的,有乾燥剂矽胶(Silica gel)、合成洗涤剂、洗发乳、头发润丝精、发油(Pomade)、墨水、保鲜膜、蚊香、捕蟑垫、防臭剂、脱

2. 干燥剂:★采用日本东洋纺的新技术MOIS FINE材质,它的吸湿力是乾燥剂(SILICA GEL)的2~3倍,约棉质吸湿的7倍以上,可将洗衣槽里面湿气强力去除!

3. 硅胶;矽胶:silent zone 静寂地带 | silica gel 硅胶;矽胶 | silicone resin 硅树胶

4. (氧化)硅胶:樟脑 camphor | (氧化)硅胶 silica gel | 石膏 gypsum

silica gel 单语例句

1. Technicians made the molds with resin or silica gel based on clay or gesso models made by sculptors.

2. silica gel的翻译

2. A salesman said most products in the market were made of silica gel and were not harmful to people's health.

silica gel 英英释义


1. a porous form of silica that is highly absorbent
