
sidestep [ˈsaɪdstep]  [ˈsaɪdˌstɛp] 






sidestep 基本解释

不及物动词回避; 向侧方跨步

及物动词让开…的路; 躲避,绕开

名词台阶; [体]避开与强手对阵; 侧跨步; 横跳躲闪

sidestep 网络解释

1. 避开:某些人想通过引用圣经来避开(sidestep)这种复杂性, 但即便是全世界最受人尊敬的神学家也会同意说圣经没有一则清楚和毫不含糊(unambiguous)的关于堕胎的信息(message).

2. 侧步:158.出拳步:knock step | 159.侧步:sidestep | 160.往后移步:step back; bicycle; back pedal

3. 台阶:sidesplitting 令人捧腹大笑的 | sidestep 台阶 | sidestroke 侧泳

4. 避免打击:shun避开v | sidestep避免打击 | skirt回避

sidestep 词典解释


1. 回避,规避(问题等)
    If you sidestep a problem, you avoid discussing it or dealing with it.

    e.g. Rarely, if ever, does he sidestep a question...
    e.g. He was trying to sidestep responsibility.

2. 横跨一步躲过;侧移一步闪开
    If you sidestep, you step sideways in order to avoid something or someone that is coming towards you or going to hit you.

    e.g. As I sidestepped, the bottle hit me on the left hip...
    e.g. He made a grab for her but she sidestepped him.

sidestep 单语例句

1. Executives cash in by resigning from their companies in order to sidestep the exercise period.

2. These businesses evade credit caps on one hand and virtually sidestep the interest rate control on the other.

3. I managed to develop a running technique that is agile and ready to hurdle, sidestep or duck at a moment's notice.

4. And even where there are sensible regulations in place, many ships sidestep them by sailing under " flags of convenience ".

5. Bush has on occasion issued recess appointments to sidestep Senate opposition to his nominees.

6. The tuna's precarious status has driven up prices and prompted fishermen to sidestep stringent quotas to fish illegally.

7. sidestep的意思

7. She thinks going to the US to give birth is a good way to sidestep Chinese law.

8. The Foxconn move into Brazil would help tech companies sidestep hefty imports tariffs on products they sell in the country.

9. Giuliani has tried to sidestep those differences and offered strong praise for President Bush at the 2004 GOP convention in New York.

10. Further strategic relationships with IP servers enable the company to sidestep the potentially thorny issue of payments online.

sidestep 英英释义



1. a step to one side (as in boxing or dancing)


1. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)

    e.g. He dodged the issue
           she skirted the problem
           They tend to evade their responsibilities
           he evaded the questions skillfully

    Synonym: hedge fudge evade put off circumvent parry elude skirt dodge duck
