
sidelight [ˈsaɪdlaɪt]  [ˈsaɪdˌlaɪt] 



sidelight 基本解释

名词舷灯; 侧灯; 拾零; 侧面射进来的光线

sidelight 网络解释

1. 侧光:至于产品方面,友达LED产品发展的速度很快,现在小尺寸面板、Netbook面板已经全面使用LED背光源,随着侧光(sidelight)技术成熟,每片面板LED用量足足减少了三分之一,成本大幅降低,大尺寸也开始用LED.

2. 侧灯:sidekick 伙伴 | sidelight 侧灯 | sideline 副业

3. 舷灯舷窗:sidelight screen 舷灯遮板 | sidelight 舷灯舷窗 | sideloading 舷侧卸载

4. 边灯:side car 侧三轮摩托车 | sidelight 边灯 | speed meter 速度表

sidelight 词典解释

1. (车辆前面的)位置灯,边灯
    The sidelights on a vehicle are the small lights at the front that help other drivers to notice the vehicle and to judge its width.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 parking lights

2. sidelight

2. (车辆两侧的)侧灯
    The sidelights on a vehicle are lights on its sides.

3. sidelight在线翻译

3. (有关某情况的)侧面消息,趣闻,附带信息
    A sidelight on a particular situation is a piece of information about that situation which is interesting but which is not particularly important.

    e.g. The book is full of amusing sidelights on his family background.

sidelight 单语例句

1. Rice's Iraq visit was a sidelight to a trip otherwise devoted to energizing stagnant peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians.

sidelight 英英释义



1. light carried by a boat that indicates the boat's direction
    vessels at night carry a red light on the port bow and a green light on the starboard bow

    Synonym: running light
