side step

side step [said step]  [saɪd stɛp] 

side step 基本解释
side step 网络解释

side step的解释

1. 旁步:最后与舞蹈老师们达成以下共识:在舞厅里尽最大的努力去杜绝怪异的舞步,特别是脚离开地面的舞步 、旁步(side step)和停顿,以免阻碍后面跟随的人. 注:旁步是由西迷舞(Shimmy,一种摇肩摆臀 的爵士舞)改编而来,然后造成流行. 经过此事件后,

2. 侧行步 横侧步:11 Natural Opening Out Movement 自然展开动作步 | 12 Side Step 侧行步 横侧步 | 13 Closed Hip Twist 闭式扭臀步 闭式臀部扭摆

3. 侧横步:7.Natural Opening out Movement 分展步 | 8.Side Step 侧横步 | 9.Closed Hip Twist 闭式扭臀步

4. 侧跨台阶:side show 余兴表演 | side step 侧跨台阶 | side table 靠墙的桌子

side step 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. In its game with the US, each side will calculate its cost effectiveness before taking a further step.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. One of Zhang's collection looks like a wooden seesaw - people step on one side to lift a stone hammer on the other.

3. Neither side will step forward with a program for restructuring the economy and reducing the inequality that is sapping the country's strength.

4. side step的解释

4. Now's the time for Graeme Smith's side to step up.

5. But when you step into a school deep in a Beijing backstreet, you will discover a different side of the Olympics.

6. side step是什么意思

6. But neither side knows what the next step should be, although they both agree that the prospects are bright for the burgeoning industry.
