side entrance

side entrance [said ˈentrəns]  [saɪd ˈɛntrəns] 

side entrance 基本解释
side entrance 网络解释

side entrance的翻译

1. 場所公共空間側門:157.場所公共空間本電梯直達6、8樓Floor 6 and 8 Only | 167.場所公共空間側門Side Entrance | 168.場所公共空間東,西,南,北側門East, West, South, North Side Entrance

2. 侧门:side elevation 侧面图 | side entrance 侧门 | side face 侧面

3. 侧进口:side-elevatorharvester 侧置升运器式收获机 | side-entrance 侧进口 | side-entrancemanhole 旁进式入孔

4. 侧入口:side entering type agitator ==> 侧伸式搅拌器,旁入式搅拌器 | side entrance ==> 侧入口 | side entrance manhole ==> 侧入人孔

side entrance 单语例句

1. side entrance的反义词

1. The side entrance to the national stadium was closed off by police after what they said was a shooting in the area.

2. But two particularly enterprising girls snuck in through a side entrance and stole two housekeeping outfits.

3. side entrance的翻译

3. Left the hotel at the usual side entrance and headed for the car - suddenly there was a burst of gunfire from the left.

4. Onlookers believe the side entrance had been prepared for Josh Hartnett to arrive, and party organisers were further left annoyed by Lindsay's large entourage of 30 guests.

5. The guards eventually compromised by letting the member in through a side entrance used by the hotel's employees.

6. side entrance什么意思

6. Police whisked the two officers out of a side entrance at the court and drove off in a convoy.

7. side entrance

7. The entrance to Er Tao is just around the corner at the east side.

8. It has a big compound with the hotel on the east side and another entrance on the south.

9. The bomber detonated his explosives near a side entrance of the academy, which is in a mainly Shiite area of eastern Baghdad.

10. side entrance的近义词

10. The Anhui booth and the booth of China National Tourism Administration have been placed side by side at the entrance to the China area.

side entrance 英英释义


1. an exterior door at one side of a building

    Synonym: side door
