
shrine [ʃraɪn]  [ʃraɪn] 


shrine 基本解释




shrine 相关例句


1. Shakespeare's birth place is visited as a shrine.

2. Every day the old women went to pray at the shrine.

shrine 网络解释

1. 圣地:(Phoenix Ammo)箭 圣地(Shrine) 精神圣地 可加满血. 魔法圣地 使魔法全满. 氧气圣地 增大肺活量,以便长时间潜水. 反射圣地 使敌人的攻击反射回去 盔甲圣地 是你受到魔法的保护 锋利圣地 使武器威力增大,可以不断积累.

2. 神龛:左边的隔两间的邻居灯笼下的是神龕(Shrine) 夜降临. 在红灯笼的映照下,显得更有过年的气氛. ..今年并没有到处去拍灯笼的照片, 我只是站在自家的院子里,拍摄左邻右舍的灯笼. 对面这家是刚在今年才吊上过年的红灯笼 ,

3. 神殿:一样有八座大城代表八项美德 ,三座城堡代表真理(Truth)、博爱(Love)、和勇气(Courage),八个月之门、八个 神殿(Shrine)和相对应的颂语(Mantra),以及八个反美德的地下城.

4. 神社:日本人并非一切都好, 日本国土资源有限, 但神社(Shrine) 和寺庙(Temple)却占了大片土地. 还有数不清的庵、会社、记念馆 等等. 就在京都大学附近, 就有吉田神社、粟田神社、熊野神社、八坂神社... 上次祭祀节, 每个神社都有自己的游行.

shrine 词典解释

1. 圣地;圣祠;神庙;神龛
    A shrine is a place of worship which is associated with a particular holy person or object.

    e.g. ...the holy shrine of Mecca.

2. (缅怀逝者的)纪念之地,圣地
    A shrine is a place that people visit and treat with respect because it is connected with a dead person or with dead people that they want to remember.

    e.g. The monument has been turned into a shrine to the dead and the missing.

shrine 单语例句

1. They are especially outraged over Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's repeated visits to Tokyo's Yasukuni shrine, seen by critics as a symbol of past Japanese militarism.

2. shrine

2. Ties were frayed by Koizumi's controversial visits to a Tokyo war shrine seen as a symbol of Japan's militarist past.

3. The shrine is seen as a symbol of Japan's past militarism by its Asian neighbors including China and South Korea.

4. The 16 other current Cabinet members have decided against visiting the shrine.

5. Analysts say the move will embarrass Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, who has banned cabinet members from visiting the shrine.

6. shrine

6. Noda said when he took office last year that no cabinet members would visit the shrine.

7. A protester holding a placard shouts slogans during a candlelight march in Tokyo August 11, 2006 demanding Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to stop visiting the Yasukuni Shrine.

8. Abe has remained vague about whether he would pay homage to the shrine in an official capacity now he is prime minister.

9. Chafer said his company is discussing an arrangement with Beijing Great Wall Chinese Shrine, a funeral home and columbarium in the Chinese capital.

10. Most mainstream Japanese media have criticised Koizumi's annual visits to the shrine, which have markedly chilled ties with China and South Korea.

shrine 英英释义


1. shrine

1. a place of worship hallowed by association with some sacred thing or person


1. shrine在线翻译

1. enclose in a shrine

    e.g. the saint's bones were enshrined in the cathedral

    Synonym: enshrine
