
showy [ˈʃəʊi]  [ˈʃoʊi] 




showy 基本解释


形容词引人注目的; 过分装饰的,太华丽的

showy 相关例句



1. The wild rose has a less showy blossom.

showy 网络解释

1. 艳丽的:showup 暴露 | showy 艳丽的 | shrank 收缩

2. 艳丽的/炫耀的:showstopper /因特别精彩而被掌声打断的表演/ | showy /艳丽的/炫耀的/ | shrank /收缩/

3. (用来迷惑人的; 不真实或不真诚的):1.(颜色或种类错杂的) multicoloured; coloured; variegated | 2.(眼睛模糊迷乱) blurred; dim | 3.(用来迷惑人的; 不真实或不真诚的) fancy; florid; flowery; showy

4. 华丽,显眼,令人耳目一新:showroom,陈列室 | showy,华丽,显眼,令人耳目一新 | sideshow,余兴,枝节问题,幻灯

showy 词典解释

1. 艳丽的;花哨的;显眼的;引人注目的
    Something that is showy is very noticeable because it is large, colourful, or bright.

    e.g. Since he was color blind, he favored large, showy flowers...
    e.g. They were smart but not showy.

showy 单语例句

1. Without full and democratic public participation, free election can be superficial and showy.

2. showy

2. We had already missed the showy blooms of the plums, peaches and pears and the canola fields were already green with seed heads.

3. Reese probably wouldn't wear anything larger than that since she's not showy.

4. showy的反义词

4. Though he's changed his watch to a slightly less showy Patek Philippe, that unpopular showy side is not forgotten.

5. The main trend will be the individual search for simpler, less showy haircuts and hairdos.

6. They are showy dishes, and you really don't need to tell them how simple it all was.

7. He can ask the difficult question without being showy, without drawing attention to himself.

showy 英英释义


1. superficially attractive and stylish
    suggesting wealth or expense

    e.g. a glossy TV series

    Synonym: glossy

2. (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display

    Synonym: flashy gaudy jazzy sporty

3. displaying brilliance and virtuosity

4. marked by ostentation but often tasteless

    e.g. a cheap showy rhinestone bracelet
           a splashy half-page ad

    Synonym: flamboyant splashy
