
shopworn [ˈʃɒpwɔ:n]  [ˈʃɑ:pwɔ:rn] 

shopworn 基本解释

形容词(商品在商店中陈列过久或被触摸过多而)残旧了的; 陈旧的,陈腐的

shopworn 网络解释


1. 陈旧的:shopwindow 陈列窗 | shopworn 陈旧的 | shoran 测位仪

2. 过时的:26.Websaboteur 指专门破坏网站的人(saboteur 破坏分子) | 27.Shopworn 过时的 | 28.Painstaking 辛苦的,勤勉的

3. 在商店中陈列旧了(或坏了)的, 陈旧的, 陈腐的:pristine 质朴的 | shopworn 在商店中陈列旧了(或坏了)的, 陈旧的, 陈腐的 | exalt 使喜悦, 使得意; 使情绪高昂 高举; 提升

4. 陈列久了的; 用旧了的 (形):shopwindow 陈列窗; 橱窗 (名) | shopworn 陈列久了的; 用旧了的 (形) | shore 支撑; 支持 (动)

shopworn 双语例句

1. And I think we`re entering a phase where this marriage between advertising and editorial is getting a bit shopworn.

2. He was fat and looked shopworn around the nose and mouth.

3. Shopworn slogan s.

4. Talking about a " new Hitler " is a shopworn rhetorical trick that should be banned.

5. She told him that shopworn story about the time she broke her leg while skiing.

6. Rather shopworn, though, isn't it?

7. Even more impressive, GM accomplished such robust sales without deep discounts or shopworn gimmicks like volume sales to daily rental fleets.

8. Talking about a " new Hitler " is a shopworn rhetorical trick that should be banned.

shopworn 英英释义



1. shopworn

1. repeated too often
    overfamiliar through overuse

    e.g. bromidic sermons
           his remarks were trite and commonplace
           hackneyed phrases
           a stock answer
           repeating threadbare jokes
           parroting some timeworn axiom
           the trite metaphor `hard as nails'

    Synonym: banal commonplace hackneyed old-hat stock(a) threadbare timeworn tired trite well-worn

2. worn or faded from being on display in a store

    e.g. shopworn merchandise at half price

    Synonym: shopsoiled
