
shipwreck [ˈʃɪprek]  [ˈʃɪpˌrɛk] 






shipwreck 基本解释


名词灭亡,毁灭,失败,挫败; 船只失事,(海滩上的)失事船残骸


shipwreck 相关例句



1. Only three people were saved from the shipwreck.

2. The whole family perished in a shipwreck.

shipwreck 网络解释

1. 沉船:我愿意整个假期都无所事事,但是我的老公喜欢活动,所以我们通过潜水中心做了两次徒手潜水--洞穴(Caves)和沉船(Shipwreck),两个都非常棒,就算你像我一样,游泳不是很棒,我也建议你去一次--我租了一个救生衣,这使我感觉很高兴,

2. 海难:基洛夫级舰载"花岗岩"(Granit)远程反舰导弹系统,因为威力巨大,北约组织命名为SS-N-19"海难"(Shipwreck),二十枚SS-N-19导弹安装在上甲板,呈一个60°仰角.

3. 遇难船:造船厂 shipyard | 遇难船 shipwreck | 造船厂 ship yard

4. 失事,遇难:to run aground 搁浅 | shipwreck 失事,遇难 | wreck 破损,毁坏

shipwreck 词典解释

1. 船舶失事;船只遇难;海难
    If there is a shipwreck, a ship is destroyed in an accident at sea.

    e.g. He was drowned in a shipwreck off the coast of Spain.
    e.g. ...the perils of storm and shipwreck.

2. 遇难船只;失事船只;沉船
    A shipwreck is a ship which has been destroyed in an accident at sea.

3. shipwreck的翻译

3. 使(人)遭遇海难
    If someone is shipwrecked, their ship is destroyed in an accident at sea but they survive and manage to reach land.

    e.g. He was shipwrecked after visiting the island...
    e.g. The shipwrecked couple were rescued by two fishermen.

shipwreck 单语例句

1. shipwreck的翻译

1. Life of Pi is a fable about a boy and a tiger who survive a shipwreck.

2. But it was not until 2001 that China's first generation underwater archaeologists explored the site and found the exact location of the shipwreck.

3. Odyssey insists the shipwreck was outside any country's territorial waters but would not give the exact location or name of the ship.

4. At a depth of 27 meters, archaeological diver Ruan Youhao found the baseline he laid along a shipwreck last July.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. BEIJING - More than 30 archaeological shipwreck sites have been discovered off the country's shoreline, the national oceanic body has reportedly said.

6. The shipwreck came days after maritime salvage team of Yantai announced an advanced vessel had been applied for maritime rescue.

7. Datong International Shipping Management Company Ltd has reported the shipwreck to the Qingdao City Administration which immediately mobilized rescue operation.

8. The shipwreck has become a tourist attraction on the southern Oregon coast.

9. Rodents have reigned at Rat Island at the western end of the Aleutians since the 1780 shipwreck of a Japanese sailing ship.

10. The seashells stuck to the bowls are reminders of the shipwreck more than two centuries ago.

shipwreck 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. a wrecked ship (or a part of one)

2. an accident that destroys a ship at sea

    Synonym: wreck

3. an irretrievable loss

    e.g. that was the shipwreck of their romance


1. shipwreck是什么意思

1. destroy a ship

    e.g. The vessel was shipwrecked

2. cause to experience shipwreck

    e.g. They were shipwrecked in one of the mysteries at sea

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. suffer failure, as in some enterprise

4. ruin utterly

    e.g. You have shipwrecked my career
