1. 叠瓦构造:shinglestructure 叠瓦构造 | shingling 叠瓦构造 | shionane 欣烷
2. 覆盖作用:覆瓦状断块构造 shingle-block structure | 覆盖作用 shingling | 闪耀 shining
3. 压挤熟铁块/叠瓦作用:shingletrap 拦砂墙 | shingling 压挤熟铁块 叠瓦作用 | shinglinghammer 锻锤 锻炼锤 压紧锤
4. 叠瓦作用:shingling 压挤熟铁块 | shingling 叠瓦作用 | shiningsplendid 彪炳
1. shingling
1. the laying on of shingles
e.g. shingling is a craft very different from carpentry
2. (geology) sediment in which flat pebbles are uniformly tilted in the same direction