
shelling [ˈʃelɪŋ] [ˈʃeliŋ] 



shelling 基本解释


名词去壳,去皮; 皮磨; 拾贝壳

shelling 网络解释

1. 去壳:其他的加工方法还有酿(stuffing),腌(picking/salting),浸泡(marinating),去壳(shelling),刨丝(grating)等. 一道菜名本身就是从诗词歌赋、典故、成语或者优美的传说中引用而来的,一张菜单本身就具备了很高的文学欣赏的价值.

2. 去皮:shelliness /溅疤面/溅麻面/ | shelling /去皮/ | shellless /无壳的/

3. 炮击;轰击:shellfishery;贝类业; 贝类养殖业;; | shelling;炮击;轰击;; | Sheloah Institute;谢洛阿赫学院;;

4. 结壳、去皮、脱壳:shell burner套管烧嘴、套管形烧嘴 | shelling结壳、去皮、脱壳 | shelling of rail钢轨表面的剥落

shelling 单语例句

1. Many of the homes and businesses surrounding the square have been destroyed by shelling.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. The sound of shelling mixed with the crackle of automatic gunfire continued into the morning.

3. All of the dead bodies appeared to have been shot by a blank point range not by shelling.

4. Rights groups have accused the rebels of holding civilians as human shields, and blamed the government for shelling the densely populated area where they sought refuge.

5. Israel has said the buffer would be enforced with shelling and air strikes, not ground troops.

6. shelling在线翻译

6. Official reports said the restive Damascus suburb of Hajar al - Aswad has been fully cleansed from armed insurgency after a week of fighting and shelling.

7. The military outpost was seriously damaged by shelling when an allied force from eight countries landed and invaded China in 1900.


8. It came after a weekend of heavy shelling that killed hundreds of civilians trapped in the tiny war zone.

9. Seoul blames Pyongyang for torpedoing its warship and shelling an inhabited border island, which altogether killed 50 South Koreans.

10. shelling

10. Eight Palestinians were killed by tank shelling during an Israeli army incursion in the area.

shelling 英英释义


1. the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target

    e.g. they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops
           the shelling went on for hours without pausing

    Synonym: barrage barrage fire battery bombardment
